N: North Shields Ponds Natural Area

Some of you may remember me mentioning that our Natural Areas program is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. As part of the fun, the city has drawn up a natural areas passport to encourage interested citizens to get out and visit 20 of our great natural areas before November. I'm trying to make it to a few every month. North Shields Ponds is the only one that begins with N, so I thought it would be a nice idea to take my sons there for a visit when they had a day off from school on Friday.

This area has a little history for me. Before it was an official Natural Area, back when it was just ponds by a road, my sister and I would ride our bikes there to throw rocks and pick cattails. I've driven by many times since those days, but I rarely--like every ten years--stop. So it was fun to take my sons there and watch them do the kinds of things my sister and I did there more than 30 years ago.

As a bonus N for today: not far from the pond is a large raptor nest on a utility pole. I'm not sure what kind of birds they are, but they're fascinating.  

Have a great 'N' day!


Jen said…
Looks like a nice place!
liz young said…
Could they be storks? I can't see their beaks. I love that you can take your children there and it's still the same.
Anonymous said…
what a difference in cities. We have natural areas like that also but the city doesn't help to keep them alive
Ann Hinds said…
What a great program and how fun for the kids. My son loves anything with a passport.

Ermie said…
Beautiful photographs! It looks so peaceful there. :-)
What fantastic scenery. I hope your sons had a great time.
Those are very beautiful pictures. I love the colors and how you captured the reflection of the clouds in the water. Nice! I think the bird is more than likely a red-tailed hawk...they are pretty common around CO. Love the pic you captured of her. :)
Susan Kane said…
The wings are more raptor, and the talons as well. What a treat to capture on camera!
noelle44 said…
You have a wonderful eye - the pictures are great. Very artistic! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Unknown said…
Wow the bird nest is a great picture with the bird's wings out. Thanks of stopping by my blog, I am following you GFC.

Valerie said…
This looks lovely! I would love to visit!


Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi
Marie said…
Great idea for the A to Z challenge--I think I might do something similar for my hometown next year (Portland, Oregon).

Thanks for stopping by my blog!


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