L: Lifestyle

Linden Hotel, Old Town
Today's post is a little peek into our lifestyle in Fort Collins. For you numbers folks:
Population: about 146,000
Altitude: 4,984 feet
Location: 60.3 miles north of the state capitol of Denver; 46 miles south of Cheyenne, Wyoming's state capitol.
Temperature: Average summer highs are about 85 degrees Fahrenheit (July); Winter lows average 13.7 (January)
General weather: We enjoy about 300 days of sunshine a year.

Other random tidbits:
We're pretty casual people. Lots of blue jeans and outdoorsy apparel.
Public transportation has traditionally been frustrating and inconvenient. (Hopefully that's changing.) So we go most places in our cars, but we tend to not be the most courteous drivers.
More than 23 miles of walking and biking trails criss-cross the city.
We once had a topless donut shop. It didn't last very long but made a big splash while it was here.
We still have a two-screen drive-in movie theater.
We're known as the Napa Valley of microbrews.
Old Town Fort Collins was the inspiration for Disneyland's Main Street.

That's all for today!  Enjoy your day off.


Unknown said…
Love seeing and hearing about your little slice of life.

Came by from Tales of the Reborn Crafter

Just returning your visit. What a fascinating A-Z. I'm jealous of all that sunshine.
Anonymous said…
Lately we know nothing of sunshine here. Sounds lovely
Joy said…
Wow, a topless doughnut shop. Who'd have thought??
Susan Kane said…
A topless doughnut shop?!

What a homey community--would love to settle in a place like that.
Fort Collins is such a great place! :) And I could never leave CO and all our sunshine :)
liz young said…
I have always been surprised when Americans refer to what we English would consider to be towns as cities. Fort Collins sound like a comfortable sized place, whereas I would hate to live in an English city.
Sharon said…
It sounds lovely, except for the winter temperature!
Jen said…
I'm loving the two drive ins. Brings back memories, must be fun!
Rita A. said…
I was in Fort collins many years ago, visiting the university. It was so beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

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