K: Key Lime (aka Ogre) Pie

There's a fantastic restaurant downtown called Tasty Harmony that serves the most delicious Key Lime Pie made of avocado. Even if you're not raw-vegan-y, which I am not, you'd be in harmonious heaven with this pie. Unless you have a major problem with avocados. Or deliciousness. I so wanted to share a piece with you for today's post, but they only serve it on their summer menu, and apparently April is not quite summery enough. (Tell me about it. It's snowing and about four degrees outside right now.)

So I decided to make my own Avocado Key Lime Pie. Of course, there are dozens of recipes out there in Google-land. Some call for yogurt, some tofu, others sweetened condensed milk, lecithin granules, agave, raw cashews, and a whole slew of other things I don't have in my kitchen. So I chose the simplest recipe I could find: avocado, key limes, maple syrup, coconut oil, vanilla, and salt.

I have two confessions: I didn't want to drive all over town looking for key limes, so I used regular limes. (Technically, I made "Lime Pie" and should use it for tomorrow's post.) And I used a pre-fab crumb crust, the kind that comes in a flimsy aluminum pie pan, instead of making my own out of macadamia nuts and dates per the recipe, because--guess what--I didn't have those, either.

I tossed my six ingredients in the food processor, and...

The picture doesn't lie. It truly was the color of something Fiona and Shrek might eat out in the swamp. And sadly it wasn't sublime like Tasty Harmony's. Edible, especially with whipped cream, but not wonderful. A little too sour (like Shrek's temperament) and a little too soft (like his belly) it will forever be known to me as Ogre Pie. Maybe it needed the lecithin granules after all....


Maryannwrites said…
AARG!! Give it to Shrek! Give it to Shrek!
Anonymous said…
I'm not sure I've ever had k lime pie..I do favour sour though and certainly didn't know it's made with avacado.. now I want a piece
liz young said…
So it was a smoothie pie really? I never thought of using avocado in a sweet recipe. You live and learn.
Jen said…
Love the way this sound. No shame in improvising that's what cooking and being in the kitchen is all about.
Jen said…
Love the way this sound. No shame in improvising that's what cooking and being in the kitchen is all about.
D.G. Hudson said…
Doesn't sound that good with avocado in the mix. Avocado as a dip or in salads, yes, it's nutrient dense.

The Key Lime Pie I had in Key West did NOT have any avocado in it. . .

How do you know if you don't try? Some experiements work.
Ros Haywood said…
It'll probably become a HUGE favourite at family reunions, and your name will pass into family history *grin*

Unknown said…
:) I loved your post! You made me smile. Isn't it disappointing when you try to make something and it doesn't turn out quite like you hoped. :( The pie certainly sounds delicious though, well deliciously interesting maybe. :)

On a side note, it's snowing here too! Just when you think winter's over here comes the snow again. :(

Have fun with a-z.
Unknown said…
Key lime pie = yes! Avocado = yes! Key lime pie with avocado? Uhm . . . I dunno.
Unknown said…
Saturday, April 13th, 2013

Well, at least you gave the lime-advocado-pie an honest try! Bold of you to admit making a doubious combination! What cook does that? Fun post!

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Unknown said…
Dear Jenny,
I had to read your post twice to get all of the humour in it(=Shrek/'Ogre-pie').
Great post!
Sharon said…
It looks terrible but I would try it.

I love Lemon Meringue pie so your post made me wonder what Lime Meringue pie would be like.
Ann Hinds said…
I came by on the A to Z challenge to thank you for your comment on my Completely California blog and ran into your Key Lime Pie. I'm sorry, very little makes me snort but that's exactly what I did. Too funny. I would love to make the Key Lime Pie with avocados but I think I will stay away from your Ogre Pie.
Marie said…
Definitely looks like guacamole pie!! :)

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