G: Guitars

Happy Monday and welcome to the second week of the challenge! I'm still trying to get ahead, but in the mean time I suppose I should just be happy that I'm keeping up.

My older son has been taking guitar lessons at a local music store for a few years now. I love hearing him play, and for some reason, I also enjoy seeing a bunch of guitars hanging out on a wall together.

As an added bonus, I accidentally discovered yesterday that April is International Guitar Month. 


RAH said…
international guitar month? i had no idea guess i should dust mine off and see if i can remember how to play.incidentally april is also national poetry, humor, sexual assult awareness, lawn and garden, stress awareness and pecan month. busy month that april.
RAH said…
oops i forgot to mention national welding month as well.
Jean Davis said…
My house has is home to many guitars, most of which are hanging on the wall. Comes with having a husband in a band.
As nice as they are to look at, I leave the dusting of said guitars to him. :)
liz young said…
Who decides it's national guitar month? I reckon it's a marketing ploy! Both my sons play guitars though - self-taught - and one son bought HIS son a real guitar when he was only two.
Lady's Knight said…
love a good wall of guitars/ great pictures

We are staying up with the letters (just barely)

Happy A to Z

we are Lady's Knight
Beverly said…

Lovely guitars -- wish I knew how to play. Since my area is movies, I am remembering how the classic guitar shop down the street from me, McCabe's, has a family connection with Fay Wray of King Kong Fame.

Thanks for visiting me at www.beverlyinmovieland, during the
A to Z Challenge!
Susan Kane said…
Playing a guitar eludes me, so I enjoy it all the more!
TaMara Sloan said…
My son is learning to play the guitar. I absolutely love the photos of the guitar displays.

Tales of a Pee Dee Mama
David Macaulay said…
Thanks for the recent visit from the challenge - wanted to get ahead but fear I am falling behind.
VR Barkowski said…
Love the guitar pics!

I saved up forever to buy my gorgeous Seagull acoustic guitar. I finally brought it home two years ago. I still haven't had time to take lessons, and I can't play at all,—but it's *so* pretty. :)

~VR Barkowski
Jen said…
I never knew there was a guitar month,learn something new every day reading posts on this challenge. Those guitars could pass for art they look so beautiful.
Tracy Moore said…
Love all of those brightly colored acoustics!
Sharon Himsl said…
As I write this, my husband is downstairs playing his guitar. Music is pretty big in our home. Son plays too, and I dabble. Thanks for the follow (adding my name to yours:)
What wonderful pictures of mass guitars. They'd make great pictures on anyone's wall.
A - Z Challenge
Melanie Crouse said…
Thanks for visiting my blog. I jumped on over to visit your, and it's really fun. Good luck completing the challenge!
Unknown said…
I love hearing music played around the house and have a few guitarists among my musician children. We recently went to the science museum in Richmond, Virginia where they have a guitar history display on exhibit. Guitar month - I guess there's a month for everything nowadays. Haha. God bless, Maria from Delight Directed Living
Tigermouse said…
Those guitar displays look great. My friend's daughter is learning to play at the moment and is guitar mad, she would be in seventh heaven in that shop.

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