Blogathon Fail

Well, there are no two ways about it: my first attempt at the Biannual Blogathon Bash was a fail. I only put in a fraction of the blog time I had hoped to, and I was one-for-two in my mini-challenges. (I got the photo collage to work but not the favicon.) I did have a family circumstance that dramatically shifted my focus, but even without, I still don't think I would have made it.

My Top Three Takeaways:
1. Life intervenes. Always.
2. 24 hours of blogging in one weekend is a lot. (I know...statement of the obvious.)
3. I have heaps of respect for all participating bloggers, especially the ones who did better than I did. Which probably means everyone.

I might try it again sometime. Maybe during the winter. With better advance planning. And more chocolate.


liz young said…
If I sat in front of the computer for 24 hours in a weekend my back and hips would seize up SOLID! Don't even think about it again - some challenges are meant to be ignored!

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