Week 32: Rocky Mountain Archery

But there was one semester of PE I really enjoyed, and that was the tennis, golf, and archery class. That was years ago, but our Christmas household addition of a PS3 Move reminded me that archery is a lot of fun. So I asked the family to accompany me to Rocky Mountain Archery for some real target shooting. Unlike some of the activities I’ve suggested, my sons didn’t need much convincing for this one. Hmm…bows and arrows…go figure.

The other shooters at the range were using compound bows, which look to me like a cross between a torture device and a small piece of Pilates equipment. I preferred the more traditional recurve. Feeling the tension of the pulled bowstring, holding steady and finding my aim (such as it was), the thrum of the vibrating string and the thwock of the arrow…I tell you, I had all kinds of fun channeling my inner Artemis. (I have no desire to actually skewer any living creatures, but I do love the word ‘huntress.’)

At $5 for equipment rental and $7 for a day of unlimited shooting, Rocky Mountain Archery is not pricey. They also offer a pro shop and lounge, competitive leagues, and birthday parties. And you don’t even need special shoes. Take that, bowling.

You realize that you're now going to be called 'huntress,' right?
April, I'm thinking Huntress would be a great secret identity. Now I just have to work on obtaining superpowers :-)