At the west end of Horsetooth Road, next to the Spring Canyon Dog Park, ground is being prepared for the construction of a one-of-a-kind Veteran’s Plaza. What makes this Plaza unique is that it is not only a memorial; it is a tribute to anyone who has served or is currently serving our country. Set among native stone and shade trees, the Plaza will include an amphitheater, a bronze statue of an American WWII soldier, and interactive displays, including video monitors that continuously scroll names of veterans.

The Plaza is intended as a place of honor, reflection, and education. Part of the educational component is the inclusion of a time capsule which will be opened in 100 years. My husband’s late father served in World War II, in the office of General Douglas MacArthur. After reading that The Veteran’s Plaza Committee was collecting memorabilia for the capsule, my husband and I, and our two sons, took copies of his father’s Order to Report for Induction and pictures of the signing of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender on the deck of the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay to be included. While we were there, we had a chance to talk to some of the members of the Veteran’s Plaza Committee and learn more about this amazing and inspirational community project.

Unless science advances in leaps and bounds over the next few decades, we won’t be around when the capsule is unearthed. But maybe our grandchildren will be. And for now, we will follow the progress of plaza and know that a small piece of our family history will be preserved for posterity.
The City of Fort Collins donated the land for the plaza, with the rest of the cost to be funded by private donations. The plaza would not be possible without the tremendous efforts of the Veteran’s Plaza Committee of the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado. For more information and to make a contribution, please
visit their website.
Be well.