Friday (not so final) Finale

Hey, I made it! Fifty-two weeks, fifty-two new (to me) activities. I did some things I’d always wanted to do, and I tried some things I’d never realized Fort Collins had to offer. I found some great new places, did a few good deeds, and met some of the nicest people imaginable. I discovered the fine community of local bloggers and took a lot of mystery photos. I had a couple of scheduling snafus and last-minute scrambles, but I somehow managed to make every post.

My sons suggested that I choose my favorite activities for a Friday Five, but I really can’t narrow it down. So here are five things I learned (or re-learned) during my year of blogging in and about Fort Collins.

1. A camera without a charged battery is just a really clumsy necklace.
2. Be flexible. Like our fickle weather, plans can and do change at a moment’s notice.
3. The all events calendar rocks.
4. Talented, caring, hard-working folks? We has them.
5. The nickname “Fort Fun” couldn’t be more appropriate.

In fact, I had so much fun that I decided to keep going. After all, I haven't even come close to crossing everything off my to-do list. I’ll continue to find new things to try, but I might throw in some old favorites, too.

Thanks to everyone who followed along this year. I hope you’ll stick around to see what the next year brings. But the biggest thank you goes to my husband and sons. I couldn’t have done it without you.

Mystery Photo:
Last week's picture was taken at Avogadro's Number.

Where in Fort Collins was this week's picture taken?


April Moore said…
Fantastic, Jenny! I'm glad you're going to continue with it. As a native myself, I've (re)discovered and learned things about FTC through your blog and it's been fun. Way to go!
Anonymous said…
Way to go Jenny, I'm so proud of you and have loved following you every step of the way. My family has had a lot of fun trying out many of the places you blogged on. Great family time for us. Thanks and I look forward to your future posts.

Kerrie said…

It has been fun "experiencing" Fort Collins again through your eyes/blog. You make me laugh every time I read your writing. Humor writing is definitely your calling and I hope you keep going in that direction.
"A camera without a charged battery is just a really clumsy necklace. " LOL funny.

p.s. The picture is downtown by the "jumping water."
Jenny said…
Thanks for sticking with me this year! I appreciate your support so very much.

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