Week 12: Organ Extravaganza
CSU’s famed Casavant Organ (at left) was built for the music building in 1968, thanks to the efforts of late professor emeritus Robert Cavarra. The massive instrument has 2,096 pipes, a 56-note keyboard, a 32-note pedal board, and 34 stops. After lengthy and painstaking cleaning and restoration, the organ was reassembled in its new home in the Organ Recital Hall at the University Center for the Arts—which I will always know as the “old Fort Collins High School”—and had its UCA debut in February, 2009.
Who's yo' mummy?
Mozart called the organ the “king of instruments” for good reason. Organs produce an astounding range of sounds--delicate and whimsical, or powerful enough to vibrate bone marrow. (Learn more about the mechanics here). I have trouble walking and chewing gum, and I can’t imagine the coordination needed to master an instrument that requires the simultaneous participation of both hands and both feet. But that was not a problem for the ten fantastically talented CSU organ students, some of whom are in just their first semester under the instruction of Dr. Joel Bacon, Assistant Professor of Organ and Harpsichord, and Stewart and Sheron Golden Chair of Organ and Liturgical Studies (whew...say that three times fast).

Dr. Joel "Sunny-Side Up"Bacon
The CSU Faculty Brass Quintet was also on hand to perform Through the Haunted Carnival. This "Hallows Eve Medley" (comp. Nicole Buetti) had me picturing red-eyed carousel horses and creepy clowns (but I think all circus clowns are kind of creepy). The Quintet followed up with the familiar-but-fun “Night on Bald Mountain.”
Monday's headline:
"Trumpet Player Blows Top"
The performance appeared to be a sell-out, and the “wildly popular” concert will no doubt return next year. What better way to celebrate my new Halloween philosophy: organs = bad; organ music = good!
Sounds like a frightfully good time! What a way to end the evening and keep the spirit of Halloween alive without giving you a headache. Would love to attend the concert next year! Thanks Jen.