N: Northern Colorado Writers

In my dreams, I'm an author of great renown, so my alphabetical list of great things about Fort Collins wouldn't be complete without Northern Colorado Writers. Since 2007, this group--led by determined and energetic director Kerrie Flanagan--has encouraged and supported writers of all levels and genres, from multi-published authors to the greenest beginner. The classes, coffees, critique groups, and amazing conferences (maybe this should have been my "c" post) give even the most reclusive writer reason to venture out of his/her dusty garret and exchange ideas with like-minded people. I've met many great people through this organization--writers tend to be awesome folks, wouldn't you say?--and a few of them are Blogging A to Z, too:

Emerald City
Patricia Stoltey
Skating Buffalo


liz young said…
Oh I am soooo jealous! Can I come and live there? We have a writers' group of 6 on a good day and we don't do much but it's someone else's baby and she resisted the idea of change when I raised it.
Bob McDonnell said…
I agree with your comments on NCW. It is a great group, and has made my writing stronger.
Coincidentally, I was just at the NCW studio for a writers' critique group.
S. L. Hennessy said…
I love writing groups. I'm not sure how other writers work without them.
D.E. Malone said…
That sounds like an ideal group you have there. Having a support group for your writing is SO important!
Great tribute to your writers group. I've been in my group for over 25 years. I don't know what I'd do without them. Just stopped by to say hi on the challenge.
Kerrie said…
Jenny, Thanks for the NCW shoutout and your kind words about the organization. :-)
Your group sounds wonderful. Here in England, I don't know of a writers group. I rely on the Internet Writing Workshop. I've been with them for five years and have made some really good friends--even met one of them in the flesh when she visited out beautiful island.

Nicole said…
Sounds like a great group!

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