Fort Collins Stories
Reader Story #2
My husband and I came to Fort Collins in 1964. We had moved to Denver after he graduated from Kansas State University. I graduated from the University of Denver and taught school in Denver Public Schools. My husband earned his Masters Degree in History at DU and got a job as Colorado Deputy State Historian. The job allowed us to do lots of traveling in Colorado, and we enjoyed visiting Fort Collins.
While my husband was pursuing his PhD at DU, he was offered a job in the history department at Colorado State University, as a mid-year replacement for an ailing professor. He accepted the job, and we moved to Fort Collins in January. It was a very stressful transition for us. My husband had never taught at the university level, and I was pregnant and having serious complications. Despite being in a new place, with a new doctor, I felt well-cared-for at PVH and in the community at large.
We had two lovely daughters. When my husband became ill in 1968, I went back to teaching. I started at Jean Irish Elementary, which opened that year. I stayed there ten years and then taught for ten years at Lincoln Junior High.
My husband died in 1974. As a single parent, I had opportunities to leave Fort Collins, but I wanted to keep my family here. This is such a wonderful place to raise children. All of the awards Fort Collins has won are because of the pride people take in this community. I am pleased that I am able to stay involved, including serving my second term on the Transportation Board, where I am the last original member. I also serve on the UniverCity Connection Transit and Mobility Committee.
--Sara, savvy senior
Friday Fun Mystery Photo:
Does anyone know where in Fort Collins this photo was taken?
My husband and I came to Fort Collins in 1964. We had moved to Denver after he graduated from Kansas State University. I graduated from the University of Denver and taught school in Denver Public Schools. My husband earned his Masters Degree in History at DU and got a job as Colorado Deputy State Historian. The job allowed us to do lots of traveling in Colorado, and we enjoyed visiting Fort Collins.
While my husband was pursuing his PhD at DU, he was offered a job in the history department at Colorado State University, as a mid-year replacement for an ailing professor. He accepted the job, and we moved to Fort Collins in January. It was a very stressful transition for us. My husband had never taught at the university level, and I was pregnant and having serious complications. Despite being in a new place, with a new doctor, I felt well-cared-for at PVH and in the community at large.
We had two lovely daughters. When my husband became ill in 1968, I went back to teaching. I started at Jean Irish Elementary, which opened that year. I stayed there ten years and then taught for ten years at Lincoln Junior High.
My husband died in 1974. As a single parent, I had opportunities to leave Fort Collins, but I wanted to keep my family here. This is such a wonderful place to raise children. All of the awards Fort Collins has won are because of the pride people take in this community. I am pleased that I am able to stay involved, including serving my second term on the Transportation Board, where I am the last original member. I also serve on the UniverCity Connection Transit and Mobility Committee.
--Sara, savvy senior
Friday Fun Mystery Photo:
Does anyone know where in Fort Collins this photo was taken?

Thanks, Pat!